10/23/2024 | Posted in Toronto News by Jessi Sandhu
Landlords who plan to evict tenants to renovate their properties may soon be required to apply for a licence and provide additional financial compensation to the tenants they are ...
10/26/2016 | Posted in GTA Real Estate by Jessi Sandhu
There was a 17.3 per cent drop in condo apartments available to rent in the Greater Toronto Area in third quarter of 2016 compared to a year earlier, Toronto Real Estate Board ...
Ontario will not follow B.C.'s tax on foreign homebuyers
10/25/2016 | Posted in Ontario Real Estate by Jessi Sandhu
Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne said on Monday that the province will not follow British Columbia’s move to introduce a tax on foreign homebuyers. ...
Foreign investors home in on Toronto real estate after BC's tax measure, chart suggests
10/22/2016 | Posted in Toronto Real Estate by Jessi Sandhu
Some observers have speculated that foreign investors will turn to Toronto’s real estate market after BC tacked a 15-per-cent tax on all non-residents ...
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